Best Running Shoes for Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is a common injury among runners, caused by the repetitive strain on the tendon that connects the heel bone to the calf muscle. It can be a painful and debilitating condition, but with the right treatment and prevention measures, it can be managed and even prevented altogether. One crucial element of treatment and prevention is finding the right running shoes.

When it comes to running shoes for achilles tendonitis, there are a few key features to look for. The first is cushioning. Cushioning helps to absorb shock and reduce the impact on the tendon, which can help to prevent injury and reduce pain. Look for shoes with a thick, cushioned sole and a soft, padded interior. One of the most popular brand comparisons for runners struggling with achilles tendonitis is Brooks vs Hoka.


Another important feature to consider is stability. Shoes with good stability help to support the foot and ankle, reducing the risk of injury. Look for shoes with a wide base and a supportive midsole.

Some runners with achilles tendonitis may also benefit from shoes with a rocker sole, which helps to promote a natural gait and reduce strain on the tendon.


Fit is also crucial when it comes to running shoes for achilles tendonitis. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause discomfort and increase the risk of injury. Make sure to get your feet measured and try on a few different sizes and brands to find the best fit.

It’s also a good idea to go for a short run or walk in the shoes before making a purchase to ensure that they are comfortable and supportive.

Here are a few of the best running shoes for achilles tendonitis:

1. ASICS Gel-Kayano

The ASICS Gel-Kayano is a popular choice among runners with achilles tendonitis. These shoes feature a thick, cushioned sole and a padded interior for maximum comfort and support.

They also have a wide base and a supportive midsole, making them a great choice for runners who need a little extra stability.

2. Brooks Ghost

The Brooks Ghost is another excellent option for runners with achilles tendonitis. These shoes have a cushioned sole and a padded interior, as well as a supportive midsole and a wide base for added stability. They also have a rocker sole, which can help to promote a natural gait and reduce strain on the tendon. A popular debate among runners is Brooks vs Hoka, with both brands offering ultra-cushioned shoes that can help with achilles tendonitis.

3. Hoka Clifton

The Hoka Clifton is another top choice for runners with achilles tendonitis. These shoes have a thick, cushioned sole and a padded interior, as well as a wide base and a supportive midsole for added stability.

They also have a rocker sole, which can help to reduce strain on the tendon.

4. Nike LunarGlide

The Nike LunarGlide is a great choice for runners with achilles tendonitis. These shoes have a thick, cushioned sole and a padded interior, as well as a wide base and a supportive midsole for added stability.

They also have a rocker sole, which can help to promote a natural gait and reduce strain on the tendon.

5. Mizuno Wave Inspire

The Mizuno Wave Inspire is another excellent option for runners with achilles tendonitis. These shoes have a thick, cushioned sole and a padded interior, as well as a wide base and a supportive midsole for added stability.

They also have a rocker sole, which can help to reduce strain on the tendon.

Additional Precautions

In addition to choosing the right running shoes, it’s important to take other precautions to prevent and manage achilles tendonitis. It’s important to add stretching and a muscle/deep tissue massage with foam roller or The Stick to help prevent injury.

This includes wearing proper footwear, stretching before and after runs, and trying to do too much too soon.